Saturday, June 21, 2014

6/20/14- 'Welcome To Democrat Created Soviet Care, 18 Whammys ( surely there are more ! ) - How The Unconstitutional Obamacare Bill Will Severely Hurt Americans'- By David K.

6/20/14- 'Welcome To Democrat Created
Soviet Care, 18 Whammys ( surely there are more ! )

- How The Unconstitutional Obamacare Bill Will Severely
Hurt Americans'- By David K.

Friends, with the imposition of Obamacare, a scheme
foisted upon the American people by Obama and 
Democrat majority Congress fraud in 2010, 
America will be transformed into a Chinese model
of state run capitalism, that is, a combination of 
communism and capitalism. (See show 
'Ground Zero', AM 600 KOGO Friday evening 
6/20/14) Remember Barack Hussein Obama's 

stated goal to "Fundamentally Transform" America,
a radical, brazen, ideological driven statement in stark
contradiction to the ideals of freedom and prosperity
in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

A famous talk radio host explained a year ago
why healthcare premiums are going sky high for
all who are not on Obamacare subsidized healthcare
( SEE #1 and #2 ):
1) Obamacare rules make health insurance
companies charge less than the market rate
on healthcare services for those on Obamacare

2) Therefore, to make up the cost to healthcare
Insurance companies for the loss in profit for those
on Obamacare ( are paying less than the market rate) ,
they charge us all more who are not on Obamacare
in order to make up for the loss.

3) Democrat imposed Federal and State increases ( unless America votes them out ! ) to pay for other's Obamacare subsidies/medic- aide ,

4) Higher prices for everything because employers/ businesses to pass on the cost of the employer mandate to consumers

5) Local Governments (Cities, counties) increase sales taxes to go up across the country to pay for local government employees higher costs of their healthcare plans because their healthcare plan premiums will go up too because of ban on market rate for Obamacare recipients prices ( as said before #1 and # 2)

6) Employer provided healthcare will be dropped for their employees becasue companies/ businesses cannot afford the employer mandate taxes/ costs. Employees to be dumped onto Obamacare ( already happening),

7) Companies to slash work hours by putting many employees from full time work onto part time work hours, thus creating one form of high unemployment,

8) Millions of Americans already getting their healthcare plans cancelled, many more to come,

9) When the intentionally Obama delayed Obamacare employer mandatestarts in 2015-2016, massive unemployment to take place because employers will not be able to afford it,

10) Medical research in America will be destroyed by Obamacare ( Source: Congressman Ed Royce) , it will grind to a screeching halt because research will be unaffordable under Obamacare,

11) Signaling Soviet Union type healthcare rationing, and doing so against the protests of women's health groups, the Obamacare so called 'Preventive Services Agency' created by Obama in 2009 announced in a 2009 USA TODAY article that under Obamacare, the yearly mammogram for women will be banned under Obamacare. Doctors started denying it under plans a year and a half ago ( in Feb 2013). Women's groups rightly say the ban will put women's lives at risk because mammograms prevent breast cancer.

12) Cancellations of doctors, denial of your doctor to your healthcare plan,

13) Dangerous and long waits for care,

14) Doctor shortages,

15) High, unaffordable healthcare premium and services increases.

16) Obama will be the biggest outsourcerer of jobs because businesses will leave the U.S., because of Obamacare, thus causing loss of jobs in U.S.. Companies cannot afford to do business in America because of the unreasonable costs associated with Obamacare - Source: Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, 

2012 ...

17) Obamacare will destroy the U.S. healthcare system, the greatest healthcare system in the world,

18) State legislatures will do as the California the Democrat majority legislature is doing: Create a bill to force businesses to pay an Obamacare tax to pay for Medi-Cal for Obamacare recipients.

If you learn more, please share them with me by e-mail
Feel free to share, copy and paste my above article anywhere
you like! - David Knittle, 6/20/14

ALSO GOOGLE, SEE Yahoo article: 'Premiums rise at big insurers, fall at
small rivals under health law'
Hundreds of thousands of consumers nationwide who bought
insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act will face a ...